- Don't blog me!
- What's wrong with a little fame?
- You invaded my privacy.
- What good is your privacy? Did I make you look bad?
- No.
- Is it that you would have acted different with me if you know other people would hear about it?
- I wouldn't have bothered with you at all.
- Do you think other people don't talk about you?
- You're so used to being right. You're wrong this time.
- Show me.
- I don't like you getting outside interest in our conversations.
- You're jealous.
- Because it's practical. People should protect the lives they build together. You and me won't get far if we're constantly talking with other people about what we are building.
- By privacy you mean monopoly of interest? No one else allowed to be interested?
- I never thought of it that way but, yes, why not? You should consider it yourself, especially now.
- Why especially now?
- You've lost your monopoly in being smart.