- If you have a bank, and you have 1 dollar, you are permitted by law to loan ten (simplifying only slightly).
- Then that 10 dollars is deposited in another bank, or a different division of the same bank.
- And now 100 dollars can be loaned.
- And then that 100 dollars is deposited in another bank, or a different division of the same bank.
- And 1000 dollars can be loaned.
- Real property, land and possessions, is signed over by borrowers in security for the loans.
- As more and more money circulates, with the same, single 1 dollar behind it, its value decreases. Prices rise. Rising prices need to be balanced by rising income. When that is not managed social disruptions result. People start worrying. The story goes round that those who make investments do so on the basis of trends. When the trend is discouraging, they sell, heightening the trend and leading more people to sell.*
- With fewer wanting to buy, investment decreases, production decreases, employment decreases.
- Unemployed people and producers of unsold products can't pay back their loans.
- Their property is repossessed.
- The banks, possessed of the property of the borrowers, now make new loans to those who have property left to leave as security.
- This cycle, discovered many centuries ago, is set in motion to extend ownership of real property by means of the private creation of money, unreal property, until there is no property left to leave as security, all property is in the possession of the banks.
- Now you probably have heard a different story. In 2008 the banks owned bad investments in home loans, and loans to other banks, and when the homeowners stopped paying their mortgages, the banks couldn't pay the interest on money they borrowed from other banks. Do you now see something wrong here?
- The banks, to create an infinite amount of money, need only loan money to each other.
- 1 dollar becomes 10 becomes 100 becomes 1,000 becomes 10,000...
- Banks always have money.
- What they don't have is all your property. But they're working on it.
Further Reading:
Sixty Seconds
* In fact, the crowd behavior of investors trying to make a profit by ignorantly chasing upward trends, and then losing confidence suddenly and becoming "reasonable", is a false explanation of market collapse. Rising markets are created by creating money, falling markets are caused by the deliberate withholding of more money. Governments of course can at any time act as banks, creating infinite amounts of money and paying any and all debts, public and private.